The face behind the prefix Malentha,
Janka Markhus.
It all started back in 2011, when I saw my first stabijhoun. I immediately fell in love, and in January of 2012 our first stabij moved in. She was a female, from kennel Åhlskogen in Sweden.
Her name was Åhlskogen’s Staby Malentha, and as you can see, she is the reason behind our prefix.
Unfortunately, she never became approved for breeding due to allergies. She did, however, teach me a lot, both about the breed, breeding theory and about different sports.
With “Malle” I have done “it all”. We have been to shows, both national and internationally – she has become a Swedish Game Track Champion, and she has also gained her Norwegian show championship. We have also tried agility, nosework, smeller and even lure coursing. In her early days we also went hunting, but had to but an end to the hunting trips due to her health.

With Malle the grand interest for both dogs, but especially the stabijhoun came along. For several years I waited for the perfect new addition to the pack, and in the beginning of 2018 she arrived – mylittle Pudding.

In the winter of 2018 I got my first wetterhoun. Her name is Beike, and she is from kennel van Striensas in Holland. She is not only my, but also Norway’s first wetter. As a puppy she is full of joy and confidence, and she is a real bundle of love. I am really looking forward to see what the future holds for this little black diamond.